Category: Google Update

Googlebot crawls and indexes the first 15MB of HTML content

Googlebot Crawls and Indexes the First 15MB of HTML Content Per Page

After 15 MB of a site has been crawled, Googlebot will no longer be used to rank the rest of the page, according to the tech giant. “Any resources mentioned in the HTML such as photos, videos and CSS are acquired individually,” according to Google’s help guide. When a file exceeds 15 MB in size, […]

E-A-T matter to google

What is E-A-T? Why Does It Matter to Google?

Even if you’ve never heard of E-A-T before, you are definitely familiar with it. Although the notion dates back to around 2014, it has steadily become one of the most crucial aspects of a search friendly website. What is E-A-T? The letters E-A-T represent three things: Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness. Search Quality Rater Guidelines—a 168-page […]

Core Web Vitals Update Everything You Need to Know 1

Core Web Vitals Update: Everything You Need to Know

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created

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