Long Form Content or Video Content: Which One Has More Benefits for SEO

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Long Form Content or Video Content: Which One Has More Benefits for SEO

Do you recall the last time you released a lengthy piece of content with more than 2000 words or a video of great quality? If you don’t, you’re probably thinking it’s pointless to put so much time and effort into a single article since it won’t amount to anything. SEO experts, on the other hand, believe that both long-form content and videos with a clear organisational plan are excellent methods to improve your SEO ranks. You will get compensated for the effort and time that you put into making your content useful and bookmarkable on other people’s websites.

It is up to you to make a decision on which option would best boost the exposure of your website or content.

Long-form Content: What is it?

There are a few different points of view about the appropriate length for lengthy content. Some believe that long-form content must be between 700 and 1,000 words in length, while still, others believe that it must be at least 3,000 words in length. In any case, it refers to content that provides detailed information on a certain subject area. It’s possible that the number of words will change based on the subject at hand, the niche, the scope, the audience, and the targeted goals.

More than 40% of those who responded indicated they think written content is the most appealing method to drive traffic agreed with this statement. Consequently, if the content you deliver is well-structured and well-written, you will have far better results.

Video Content: Explanation

The phrase “video content” refers to any format that contains video. Among the most common varieties of brief and long videos available online are live videos, recorded presentations, animated GIFS, vlogs, and other video content. These days, the overwhelming majority of marketing videos are generated in the form of brief, typically under two-minute-long videos. However, the length of the video may differ depending on the platform on which it is shared or incorporated, as well as the type of information you wish to convey.

Which One Is More Suitable?

You may increase your exposure and access to chances to grow your brand’s authority by using a long-form content strategy that establishes you as a leader in your field. Long-form content is preferred by readers and is associated with higher levels of interaction, page views, time spent on the site, social sharing, and even an improvement in search engine rankings. 

Meanwhile, videos have an impact on people on an emotional level. Many well-known companies use this tactic to establish credibility and build brand loyalty within their target demographic. Furthermore, video content is shared more often on social media than text or photos, which results in tremendous traffic and more possibilities to rank on page one. You may still establish credibility and spread awareness of your business with even a little video.

Combining these two strategies may boost your success to new heights. Nonetheless, if you can only focus on one, the increasing number of video platforms suggests that video content is always preferred, but this should be done with an eye towards your particular niche and audience.

If you want to know more, connect with DigiMore for SEO services and implement the right strategy according to your requirements.

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