What Is Internal Linking and How Does It Help Your SEO?

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What Is Internal Linking and How Does It Help Your SEO?

We can all agree, as the providers of SEO services, that backlinks are crucial. However, you may not be aware that internal linking may be just as, if not more, crucial.

The term “domain” is often used for “website” when defining internal links. However, things become complicated because of subdomains. If your website has many subdomains, all of the connections between them are considered internal links.

What, however, about independently held subdomains under WordPress and Blogspot? In technical terms, each of those subdomains represents a separate website run by a different organisation. Links between them should thus be seen as external rather than internal.

To put it simply, internal links are those that connect two different pages inside the same domain structure.

Internal linking: SEO recommended practises

We’ll look at some SEO best practices that will help you make the most of your internal linking strategy now that you know how crucial it is.

Put in some descriptive anchor text!

The anchor text of your internal links should, first and foremost, consist of relevant keywords or phrases.

The visible part of a link is called the anchor text. To rephrase: people click on the highlighted text to get to other pages.

Anchor text should be descriptive so that both human visitors and search engines know what they will find when they click the link.

Establish a link structure that can be crawled.

The link structure of a website must be available to search engines so that spiders may quickly traverse it and index all of its pages.

Open Site Explorer can show you the internal linking structure of your website.

The inability to be indexed by major search engines is a problem for many websites since the key link navigation is often hidden.

Internal links, on the other hand, allow search engines to crawl all the pages on your site. A search engine spider may, for instance, land on page A and then follow a link to page B. But if A and B don’t link to C, then search engine spiders can’t index that page.

Link juice (ranking power) can be spread across your site with a crawlable link structure, and new pages can be found and indexed more quickly.

Don’t put links in search bars or other forms that need input.

Your website’s forms might be surveys or as basic as a drop-down menu. However, search engine crawlers won’t bother trying to submit the forms. This implies that search engines cannot access the information or links that are available via a form.

If you don’t make it easy for search engines to index your site, they won’t bother trying to find what you have to offer. That’s why it’s crucial that you don’t bury any information behind forms that restrict access.

Use links that search engines can really locate and follow to find and index new pages on your site if you want to boost your internal linking SEO strategy.

Build quality content

You need a lot of internal pages if you want a lot of internal links.

Search engines can’t index a website unless it has content, and both bots and humans appreciate well-written content.

Making content that talks about your company, goods, and services and includes connections to other relevant pages on your site is a terrific method to rank in the search engine rankings. This will encourage people to hit your site and provide them with the knowledge they need to proceed with your business.

Do you want to know more about how to enhance the internal linking structure of your website? Contact DigiMore, a top-notch SEO company, right away!

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